Introducing: Momentum

Brad Hipps


All plans and epics in Socratic now have a new layer of intelligence: Momentum. The aim of momentum is to show you at a glance what work is moving, versus stalling or regressing. Momentum complements the progress bar by showing how progress has changed with the latest work activity.

The momentums states are:

  • Arrow up: Progress increased from X% to Y% since the last activity date.

  • Arrow down: Progress decreased from Y% to X% since since the last activity date.

    • How can progress decrease? Typically because new demand exceeded the delivered work over the period change.

  • Arrow flat: Progress is flat since the last activity date.

  • "Scoping": No work yet completed.

  • Clock + days: No activity for the period indicated (minimum seven days).

Fixes & enhancements

  • When the new task modal is closed without saving the task, the draft is now preserved and the “New task” button changes to read “Open draft”.

  • Added GitHub integration to onboarding.

  • Added an error message for Slack notification in personal settings, in cases where the Slack integration isn’t properly set up.

  • Removed default tooltips from app icons in favor of custom tips.

  • Fixed a bug preventing cmd+click in sheets from opening in a new tab.

  • Fixed a bug in which a newly created workstream phase couldn’t receive tasks without browser refresh.

  • Optimized hint arrow placement.

  • Fixed a bug affecting the drag/drop of images into task and objective detail.

  • Fixed an effects bug on the Plan board, impacting the behavior of objective cards on reorder.

  • Fixed a bug in which forecasts would not respond to completed tasks without browser refresh.

  • Fixed a bug in which the blocked/blocking indicator on a task card would be removed when the card changed phases (refresh would restore it).

  • Adding padding to the bottom of Views for better display of full list.