
Our changelog has moved to our blog, Methods. Find all the latest here.

DECEMBER 14, 2023

Filter plans by Momentum and Forecast

Plan health cards now provide filters for both Momentum and Forecast. This way you can see at a click anything that’s trending late or slowing. These filters can be used together—e.g. you could click both “Down” and “Off Track” to see just objectives whose momentum is slowing and whose forecast is running late.

Fixes & enhancements

  • Added the longest running work phase to the Trends dashboard, to see your top workflow bottleneck at a glance.
  • Enhanced the logic for Momentum, to better account for objective start dates (when present).
  • Objectives may now belong to more than one objective group within a plan. (Go to the Details tab of the objective to add it to other objective groups.)
  • Thickened progress bars throughout the app, for better readability.
  • Upgraded & standardized the drop selects throughout the app for better usability (especially in sheet views).
  • Improved search to be less strictly literal.
  • Restored the ability to bulk archive tasks in backlog.
  • Fixed a bug causing an app crash on submission of a comment.
  • Fixed a typo on the Jira integration error toast.
  • DECEMBER 1, 2023

    Clone tasks

    Create new tasks with all the key attributes of an existing one, at a click.

    Learn more →

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Significant investments in code readability and performance;
  • When an objective is moved to Done, its Momentum now shows as a green checkmark;
  • When objective is marked complete, it is now moved to Done on the plan board;
  • Using health card filters in a plan now correctly switches the view to task mode;
  • Response time optimizations for plans;
  • Added 'Contact us' button to help menu;
  • Fixed nit formatting bugs;
  • Restored loading indicators for plans, workstream board, and task detail;
  • Fixed a board bug that could cause a task to appear twice when dragged on a filtered board;
  • Fixed a board bug that was affecting reordering in certain scenarios;
  • Fixed a bug preventing multiple labels from being added to an objective.
  • NOVEMBER 14, 2023

    Introducing: Automations

    With Automations, you can configure workflow actions to occur automatically based on the conditions you set—a powerful new way to keep work flowing.

    Learn more →

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Added an export option to Plans (Tree mode).
  • Plans now allow for existing objectives to be added directly in-view (Tree mode).
  • Optimized Trends to filter out from cycle time tasks with no worked time.
  • Fixed a bug on Trends in which the date range wouldn’t update if only the start date was change.
  • Fixed a bug in which Workstreams > Trends > Open tasks would include archived tasks.
  • Fixed a bug on Allocation where certain Group by combinations would error.
  • Resolved the loss of vertical scroll on certain view.
  • Fixed a bug affecting the copy and paste of images in task detail.
  • Restored objective and label pills when in sprint board mode.
  • Fixed a bug in which certain task properties couldn’t be changed from list views.
  • Fixed the calendar input on Plans.
  • Resolved to-do lists getting cut off on task details.
  • Fixed a bug in whiche tasks marked as Done on My tasks wouldn’t move to the Completed tab without refresh.
  • Corrected filter behavior to actively filter board based on updates.
  • Fixed a display bug in which the progress of an objective group wouldn’t match the sum progress of its objectives.
  • SEPTEMBER 22, 2023

    Introducing: Allocation

    Socratic now shows you the distribution of time worked for any period you select—a capability we call Allocation.

    Allocation is useful for understanding how worked time aligns to company priorities. It’s also valuable in accounting for software capitalization costs. With Allocation you can see, for any time period, the percentage of time invested by person and type of work (e.g. new development versus bug fix or maintenance).

    Learn more →

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Enhanced workstream kanban boards for smoother horizontal scroll on drag-and-drop.
  • Added groupings to the sidebar nav to clarify app capabilities.
  • Improved health card filter actions for more intuitive experience.
  • Performance enhancements to improve app load times.
  • UI enhancements to align to design system.
  • Updated personal trends cycle time so that it includes only worked phase times for that person.
  • Images in task body copy now show a pointer cursor when hovered over.
  • Added a save notification when personal avatar is changed.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in filter icon colors
  • Repaired a bug causing empty board phases to narrow
  • Fixed the appearance of the email field on Add teammates.
  • Fixed off-centered column sorters on My tasks.
  • Fixed a bug in which replying to and mentioning the same person in a comment would generate duplicate notifications.
  • Fixed a 404 error triggered by clicking user avatar in Notifications.
  • AUGUST 10, 2023

    Enhanced GitLab integration

    Connect more than a single group in GitLab. We now support nested groups and projects allowing for a more robust integration to match your company’s organization.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Added columns for objectives and labels to sheets views.
  • Deprioritized and rework filter counters no longer require refresh to update.
  • On imports, the progress bar now updates in real-time.
  • Added admin credentials check & error messaging to Jira integration.
  • Optimized the default list column orders on sheets for new users.
  • Enhanced how draft new tasks are preserved & restored.
  • Restored “memory” of your preferred view modes (e.g. list vs. board).
  • Fixed Plans expand/collapse buttons (were showing backward in collapsed state).
  • Resolved duplicate notifications that could sometimes occur on replies to comments.
  • Momentum icon now shows as completed for finished work (was showing idle).
  • The active cursor now returns to task title field on new task modal when creating more.
  • Fixed blocked/blocking indicators not resolving when task is moved to done.
  • Fixed occasional glitches in movement of objective cards on plan boards.
  • Fixed a bleed through of Trends average markers into the date selector.
  • Fixed a bleed through of the column selector icon on People views.
  • Fixed labels not appearing on task cards without refresh.
  • Slack Integration: fixed links to task in mentions.
  • Fixed an issue in which reopened tasks wouldn’t show in the blocked/blocking select.
  • JUNE 27, 2023

    Introducing: Momentum

    All plans and objectives in Socratic now have a new layer of intelligence: Momentum. The aim of momentum is to show you at a glance what work is moving, versus stalling or regressing. Momentum complements the progress bar by showing how progress has changed with the latest work activity.

    The momentums states are:

  • Arrow up: Progress increased from X% to Y% since the last activity date.
  • Arrow down: Progress decreased from Y% to X% since since the last activity date.
  • Arrow flat: Progress is flat since the last activity date.
  • "Scoping": No work yet completed.
  • Clock + days: No activity for the period indicated (minimum seven days).
  • Momentum is also surfaced for all views, teams, and locations.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • When the new task modal is closed without saving the task, the draft is now preserved and the “New task” button changes to read “Open draft”.
  • Added GitHub integration to onboarding.
  • Added an error message for Slack notification in personal settings, in cases where the Slack integration isn’t properly set up.
  • Removed default tooltips from app icons in favor of custom tips.
  • Fixed a bug preventing cmd+click in sheets from opening in a new tab.
  • Fixed a bug in which a newly created workstream phase couldn’t receive tasks without browser refresh.
  • Optimized hint arrow placement.
  • Fixed a bug affecting the drag/drop of images into task and objective detail.
  • Fixed an effects bug on the Plan board, impacting the behavior of objective cards on reorder.
  • Fixed a bug in which forecasts would not respond to completed tasks without browser refresh.
  • Fixed a bug in which the blocked/blocking indicator on a task card would be removed when the card changed phases (refresh would restore it).
  • Adding padding to the bottom of Views for better display of full list.
  • JUNE 2, 2023

    Expanded hints for new users

    We’ve added more hints for first-time users, to help get new team members using Socratic’s data to the fullest!

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Improved label settings, adding auto-save for name and color changes
  • Enhanced app onboarding, including Slack integration
  • Added a save prompt on click outside of new task modal
  • Optimized Help & Support sidebar
  • Added search field to git repositories drop select
  • Improved editing when setting git workflows.
  • Restored cmd + S on task detail—now triggers auto-save
  • Minor clarifications to billing page copy
  • Fixed a bug in which changing the workstream of a task would result in a bad URL
  • Fixed a bug in which view filters would sometimes return zero tasks
  • Sprint task list views now show tasks only for that sprint
  • Corrected some dropdown select orders (were showing items in reverse alpha)
  • Tasks created via Slack now pass through creator ID
  • Added scroll to the CSV import phase mapping modal
  • Corrected a missing text space in some notifications
  • MAY 15, 2023

    Find your recently viewed tasks at a click

    Socratic search (cmd + k) now automatically surfaces your most recently viewed tasks. Meant to comment on or add edits to a task, but can’t recall its title or contents? We’ve got you covered!

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Moved the step to create a new workstream into the onboarding flow.
  • Added Slack activation prompt to user profile.
  • Completed / archived objectives are now filtered from dropdowns.
  • If an @ mention is edited into an existing comment, it will now produce a notification (previously no notification occurred.)
  • Fixed a bug in which creating a task in a new workstream or sprint wouldn’t update the burn-up line chart.
  • Fixed a bug in which removing a task from an objective matched to a view would not update the burn-up line chart in that view.
  • Resolved an app error caused when an objective archived in one browser tab would cause the new task modal to fail in another.
  • Fixed a bug in which removing a task from a sprint would still show that task in the sprint list mode.
  • Suppressed the ability to select a phase for an objective group.
  • MAY 2, 2023

    Export any task list to CSV

    You can now export to CSV any set of tasks in Socratic. Go to any list mode in the app (e.g. My tasks, workstream / List, All tasks, etc.), and click the export icon in the lower right.

    You can use filters to set a specific body of tasks, as well as the list column sorter to choose which columns to include or exclude in your export.

    (Our weekly use case for this feature is the production of this changelog. We can now use our changelog view to export all tasks and their titles in easily editable format.)

    Fixes & enhancements

  • You can now rename sprints from their auto-generated name (e.g. sprint-1). Just click the ellipsis () next to the sprint name in the sprint list.
  • Added a button on task detail (upper right) to copy/paste the task key, for use in git branch naming.
  • Added hotspots to call out key elements of a workstream on first create.
  • Released expanded, enhanced product doc.
  • Fixed a bug in which turning sprints on then off did not remove all sprints
  • Fixed a bug in which changes to objectives on a plan board would not be reflected by active filters.
  • Aligned the search button with the design system.
  • Fixed a but in which an @ mention in comments would open the to-do list in task details.
  • Fixed a bug in which newly set blocking -> blocked relations wouldn’t appear on task cards without browser refresh.
  • Fixed a bug in which a Favorite highlight in the sidebar would disappear on sub-modes.
  • Fixed a bug on Plans tree mode, in which Unassigned always showed as selected in the owner select dropdown.
  • Fixed a bug preventing a label from being added to a newly created objective on the plan board.
  • Fixed a bug in Trends which showed the same date range twice on Open tasks when the time filter was set to past 7 days.
  • APRIL 19, 2023

    Enhanced task create

    We’ve enhanced the modal for creating tasks. In addition to phase, objective, and assignee, the new modal includes the ability to add a task description, as well as any labels.

    We’ve also added a “Create more” toggle, if you want to create more than one task without having to reopen the modal.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Expanded the timeframe for Done tasks on a board from past 24 hours to past 14 days.
  • Revised the logic for showing pull requests on My tasks / Trends. Previously, we showed all PRs related to tasks you’d worked; the new logic shows only PRs made by you.
  • Minor tweaks to improve the behavior of the column selector on list views.
  • Added the create action for new objectives (shown on Activity tab).
  • The git tabs (repo selection and workflow configuration) in workstream settings now persist; if git integration is not active, the tabs link to the relevant system settings.
  • Fixed a bug that was suppressing keyboard shortcuts whenever page mode changed.
  • Normalized the spacing on all entity pages when filters are active.
  • Eliminated the potential for XSS vulnerability in the task title field.
  • Eliminated a flicker when changing plans or objective groupings on objective detail.
  • Fixed a UI bug for navigating drop selects with arrow keys—previously the highlighting of each target selection would disappear.
  • APRIL 12, 2023

    New shortcut keys for quick keyboard actions

    We’ve expanded our available shortcut keys to cover primary app navigation, and essential actions like global search and inviting teammates. To see the full list, go to Help & Support (g+h).

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Added dynamic filtering to plan boards.
  • Added tooltip hover to show entire task title when in list mode.
  • Aligned People mode with design system, and added display of Unassigned tasks.
  • Added “Enable sprints” option to Sprints tab in workstreams.
  • Added link to Settings from Help and Support.
  • Matched completed task Trends on My tasks to that of global Trends (previously they were using slightly different logic.)
  • Expanded billing detail fields for contact email and company name.
  • Added tooltips to features on pricing page.
  • Aligned comboboxes with design system.
  • Aligned label delete dialogue with design system.
  • Improved the way deletion of widely-used labels renders in settings UI.
  • Deployed Docker-ized task forecasting service to Elastic Beanstalk (groundwork for forecast v2!)
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing health card filters from working on plans.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing tasks within the same workstream not to appear in the Related tasks combobox.
  • Removed a UI hiccup when creating new objectives on plan boards.
  • Fixed the date selector in My tasks.
  • Added highlight in sidebar to favorited objectives when selected.
  • Fixed the display of phase icons in phase combobox of the create task modal.
  • Filtered archived and completed objectives from objective comboboxes.
  • Fixed a bug preventing plan objective groupings from being renamed.
  • Restyled the blocked tag in comments.
  • Fixed a bug that cause the reply field in notifications to appear at half size.
  • Fixed the display count of objectives in a plan.
  • Restored the display of “objectives” in the breadcrumb for the objectives page.
  • MARCH 26, 2023

    Announcing Socratic 2.0

    Timed to general availability, Socratic 2.0 is here. This includes:

  • A revamped user experience, including a new sidebar and breadcrumb navigation;
  • New editing for tasks, objectives, and the like, including auto-edit and save;
  • A new sheets component, for viewing work in sortable, searchable, spreadsheet-like tables;
  • Powerful new filters and views;
  • Fully integrated health data;
  • ‘Portable’ Trends data to see improvement over time for any body of work.
  • In fact, there’s so damn much new great stuff, we recorded a video to give a flavor of it all.

    SEPTEMBER 29, 2022

    Understand delivery time, spot bottlenecks for objectives

    Understand delivery time, spot bottlenecks for plan objectives

    We’ve added a new question & answer to the Objectives section of Trends: “Where are our bottlenecks for plan objectives?”

    This shows:

  • Trend in total delivery time for plan objectives, as well as time by plan phase, period over period.
  • Trend in total delivery time for plan objectives over the last four periods.
  • Total delivery time and times in phase for each plan objective completed in the selected period.
  • Fixes & enhancements

  • Optimized settings for the way work phases are managed and ordered.
  • Improved the new task (n+t) modal.
  • Objective detail now opens a new tab on cmd/ctrl click.
  • Removed deactivated users from nav.
  • Changed single-select dropdowns to preserve order.
  • Eliminated a duplicate save/cancel prompt on objective detail.
  • Suppressed archived workstreams from displaying on the personal view.
  • Fixed a bug in which objective view would ‘forget’ sort selection after objective edit.
  • Fixed a bug in which deleting start/end date from an objective would show in activity as a null date.
  • SEPTEMBER 8, 2022

    New code insights & trends

    New code insights: see trends in pull request throughput, and time to merge

    For customers using Socratic’s git integration, you can now see coding trends over time. The new Code section in Trends answers:

  • “How long does it take to merge code?”
  • “How many pull requests were merged?”
  • In each case, you can click through the chart to see all pull requests and repositories involved.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Improved the load times for the pages that show all workstreams, all plans, and all views.
  • Optimized tooltip hover (quicker, clearer) for avatars throughout app.
  • Fixed a bug preventing workstreams from being renamed.
  • Fixed the count of days showing on certain Trends answers for custom timeframes.
  • Fixed a bug in which the timeline and forecast for cycles would lose state when navigating between cycles.
  • Fixed a bug in which task keys would wrap on longer titled tasks in list view.
  • Fixed a bug in which completed tasks would extend beyond the margin in People mode.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented dates on tasks or objectives from being removed.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented previewing iOS screenshot attachments.
  • AUGUST 25, 2022

    Enhanced plans & objectives

    Enhanced Plans board & objective cards

    New objectives can now be created directly from the board, by clicking the plus (+) in the header of any plan phase. This create works identically to task create on workstream boards: a new, blank objective card is added with cursor active for objective title. Pressing enter creates the objective; pressing esc cancels the create. On enter, we also automatically generate another blank objective card for quick creation of multiple objectives on the board.

    Additionally, objective cards now show a status bar reflecting percent of tasks complete, with color coding as follows:

  • Striped light blue: no tasks yet completed;
  • Green: all tasks projected to complete on or before objective due date (where assigned);
  • Orange: projected complete date is later than objective due date (where assigned);
  • Dark blue: all tasks completed.
  • See the trend of open defects over time

    We’ve added a new question to the Demand section of Trends: “Are open defects growing?” To answer, we compare the number of open defects at the end of the period you select, compared to the number of open defects at the end of the three prior periods.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Save / cancel modal now prompts when exiting a task or an objective with unsaved comments or replies.
  • Added smarter error handling & messaging for non-fatal client errors.
  • Cmd/ctrl click on task card now opens task detail in new browser tab.
  • Increased the idle calculation for tasks to seven (7) days—meaning, a task is now only marked idle after seven days of no movement. (The previous calculation used a multiple of time in phase personalized to the assignee, and was just too sensitive, resulting in too many idle markers.)
  • Optimized the length of workstream and label pills on objective cards.
  • Added a link to doc explaining Flow, on objective detail.
  • Fixed a bug in which tasks whose keys began with a numeric would fail to show related git activity.
  • Fixed the display of task cards in list mode, in which very long label or objective names would obliterate the task title.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Trends to show no data when filtered by label.
  • Fixed a bug on the Trends question “Are we keeping up with defects?” in which the trend bar and Trend Insight copy were using slightly mismatched dates, relative to the chosen time period.
  • Fixed a bug causing glitches in the modal for adding or removing users from the app.
  • Restored the shortcut key to view tasks (v+t) in Views.
  • Fixed a bug on View settings, in which filtering by exception state could become stuck.
  • Removed tasks in archived workstreams from showing in Updates (part of the Personal view).
  • Fixed a bug cutting off the display of tasks on objective detail in Firefox.
  • Fixed a bug preventing SVG files from being attached or previewed in task detail.
  • AUGUST 10, 2022

    Date picker for Activity and Trends

    Date Picker for Activity and Trends

    In addition to the existing presets, you can now apply custom date ranges when looking at Trends, or the Activity for views and workstreams. Especially handy for those whose fiscal quarters don’t follow calendar quarters, and for creating changelogs specific to your release cadence.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Objective pills on task details now provide direct link to objective detail. As part of this enhancement, slideouts for task and objective detail now stack and close in the order opened.
  • Added ability to create a new label directly from objective detail (same as task detail).
  • The task tab on objective detail now becomes active when workstream is set (previously needed close/reopen for the tab to show as active).
  • Added a counter to the activity tab on objective detail (matches task detail) .
  • Improvements to workstream load time.
  • Task updates made elsewhere are reflected in real-time on any corresponding objectives (previously needed close/reopen of objective detail to see).
  • Fixed a bug in which a change to a task’s phase, when done from outside a workstream (for instance, via the personal view) would fail to apply. This bug was also the root of a seemingly unrelated and wildly random occurrence in which task cards on a board wouldn’t obey a user’s drag/drop reorder without browser refresh.
  • Fixed an infinite redirect from the root workstream page, which frustrated the use of browser back buttons.
  • Fixed a bug allowing for the same label to be added twice to an objective or task.
  • Fixed a bug affecting the way label pills wrapped on task and objective detail.
  • Fixed a bug in which the count of tasks assigned to a sub-objective weren’t being included in the plan total. Note this was related to sub-objectives only, not objectives.
  • Fixed a bug in which creation of a new plan would also temporarily create a view with the same name in the top navigation.
  • Fixed an alignment issue on drop selects in the view-builder modal.
  • Reduced the click area to remove an objective or label pill to just its X. (Previously clicking anywhere on the pill would remove it, resulting in accidental removals.)
  • Fixed a display bug on objective detail in which changing the workstream of the objective would temporarily blank the workstream pill on its tasks.
  • For users of Plans (a beta capability feature-flagged to certain customers):

  • Plan view modes (e.g. sheet, board, list) are now ‘sticky’, meaning the last used (and likely preferred) mode is remembered.
  • Added the date completed to finished objective cards, and a reverse chronological sort to the Done column on plan boards (same as workstream boards).
  • Truncated long objective names on plan board cards via ellipsis, fixed height.
  • Prevented objective title from overlapping owner avatar on objective cards.
  • Fixed a bug in which removing a sub-objective from an objective would remove it from the plan entirely.
  • Fixed a display bug in which plan phase names were truncated.
  • Adjusted objective card widths to eliminate an abundance of horizontal scroll bars on Windows machines.
  • JULY 15, 2022

    Richer objective health + SOC 2

    New Objective detail, including health data
    New Objective detail, including health data

    New Objective Detail

    Given the popularity and importance of Objectives, we’ve enhanced the detail slide-out. Primary improvements:

  • Title and description now use the same rich text and edit/save model as task detail. To-dos, attachments, and comments are also included.
  • The Tasks tab allows for an easier way to add tasks to an Objective, including creating new tasks directly.
  • The Activity tab tracks the who/what/when of all changes made to an Objective.
  • You can now link directly to an Objective. To copy an Objective’s URL, click the link icon in the upper-right, or type cmd+..
  • We’ve also repositioned and expanded Objective health data. The attributes section of the new slide-out shows:

  • Projected: the forecast date range for completion.
  • Progress bar: completed tasks (dark blue), in progress tasks (lighter blue), to do tasks (grey).
  • Flow bar: the flow state of all tasks within the objective. As on workstreams, you can click the bar to see which objective tasks are in which flow state.
  • Objective cycle time (Plans only): for Objectives that were created as part of a Plan, we show the total elapsed time of the Objective, as well as the time spent in each Plan phase. (Plans is a new capability still in beta, and feature-flagged to certain customers.)
  • Task cycle time: shows the average time to complete tasks that are part of the objective. Hover shows the longest phases (by workstream) as an aide to spotting bottlenecks.
  • People: shows all people with task assignments for the Objective. Clicking the avatar will filter the task list to show that person’s assignments.
  • SOC 2

    We’ve achieved SOC 2 Type I compliance in accordance with American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) standards for SOC for Service Organizations. This affirms our investments, which include formal policies and automated monitoring, to ensure a modern, responsive, and compliant security profile.

    If you’d like a copy of the report (and who wouldn’t?), please email

    Fixes & enhancements

  • In cases of multiple labels or objectives on a task card, we now show those selections when you hover on the pill.
  • Added a new board filter criteria to show any tasks Not labeled.
  • Added date/timestamp to activity detail for tasks and objectives.
  • Made a number of optimizations to page load times.
  • Views: expanded the timeframe for display of Done tasks from 24 hours to 30 days.
  • Views: restored display of tasks in Backlog phase(s).
  • Views: removed archived views from the filter select.
  • When closing the board search field, any contents are now auto-cleared.
  • Expanding the workstream health card is now a click action. (Previously, scroll would also expand it, a nuisance for certain mouse setups.)
  • Fixed a bug triggering a 500 error when loading task details.
  • Fixed a bug in which long phase names would squish task counts and time in phase.
  • Fixed an inconsistency in the name between effort value (Less) and how it would appear in task activity (Least).
  • Fixed a bug in which long objective names would obliterate task title in list views.
  • Fixed a misalignment on the import modal.
  • For users of Plans:

  • Added the year to the date forecast display for Objectives in plans.
  • Eliminated blink effect on objective card moves on plan board
  • Fixed a bug that prevented changing plan phase names.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented opening plans that had been archived or marked completed.
  • JUNE 17, 2022

    Global labels, custom colors

    Global labels, custom colors

    Previously, labels were defined per workstream (an effort to mitigate label sprawl). But in the case of tasks moving from one workstream to another, their labels wouldn’t easily carry across.

    Now, labels are defined globally and available to all workstreams. You can also assign color to your labels. Select from one of the color options or add your own—simply enter the hex color code.

    To add or edit labels, open settings by clicking on the ellipsis () in the upper-right of the app, and choose Labels. (You can also create new labels directly from task detail, as before.)

    Fixes & enhancement

  • Small optimizations to task detail description, including clearer bold text and contrast.
  • For Windows: eliminated extra horizontal scroll in phase columns.
  • For Windows: enhanced text contrast on task title and description. (More to come.)
  • Fixed a bug in which changing a workstream’s task key would prevent tasks from opening.
  • Fixed a bug in which deleting a phase from a workstream could inhibit task moves into or out of that workstream.
  • JUNE 1, 2022

    Expanded Activity filter

    Expanded Activity filter

    The Activity mode for workstreams now surfaces task archive events, as well as tasks moves into or out of a workstream. To see:

  • Select Activity mode.
  • Choose Filters…Changed…
  • Fixes & enhancement

  • Lightbox view available for images in comments.
  • Attachments can be added to task detail via drag & drop.
  • Links to tasks now persist and resolve, regardless of workstream moves.
  • Added shortcut key for task detail edit: cmd (or ctrl) + e.
  • Expanded CSV import to support GitLab Issues.
  • esc works to release search field input on board.
  • Task titles are no longer contenteditable.
  • Introduced an app-wide error page, for better crash reporting.
  • Expanded the blocking dialog modal to prevent wrapping.
  • Fixed a bug in which the app would crash when trying to adjust people in a Team.
  • Fixed a bug preventing block by person from working on task detail.
  • Optimized the task card display of avatars that use initials.
  • Fixed a bug prevent task create on board in Safari.
  • Fixed a wrapping bug in certain drop selects.
  • Fixed a bug allowing for the creation of a blank label.
  • Suppressed archived workstreams from appearing on balance hover.
  • Aligned phase icons in list views.
  • Minor fixes to some markdown formats on task detail.
  • Fixed a bug in which a long list of tasks on objective detail would overlap with buttons at bottom.
  • Fixed a bug in which date pickers on Objective detail would fail to respond.
  • Restored “start date” and “end date” copy on Objective detail.
  • Fixed a date field display error in Firefox.
  • Fixed a bug in the task quick-create modal (n+t) in which assignee wasn’t being properly set.
  • Fixed the spacing of pills on certain views.
  • MAY 16, 2022

    Enriched task detail

    Enriched task detail—including lightbox view of images

    We’ve enhanced task detail to meet a number of customer requests, as well as to align more closely with our design system.


  • Edit is now an explicit action, activated by clicking the pencil icon in the header of task detail.
  • When in edit mode, the task detail area becomes dedicated to text entry. The To-do, Attachments, and Comments sections are temporarily hidden.
  • Links are now formatted with underline, and open on single click.
  • Images, whether embedded in task copy or added as attachments, can be clicked for a lightbox view.
  • You’ll also notice a streamlined task attributes section, with updated icons.

    Fixes & enhancement

  • Filters set for a board (workstream) persist across browser sessions.
  • Task key is now included in the returned payload of the public API.
  • Blocked / blocking actions now show the person who applied the action (in task activity, notifications, etc.).
  • Drop selects now show any selected items first.
  • Backlog tasks are filtered from People mode in View and Teams, just as they are in workstreams.
  • Aligned buttons and selects with design system.
  • Filtered archived workstreams from the workstream select on task detail (prevents task moves to archived workstreams).
  • Archived workstreams no longer display on balance hover or below balance bar in People mode.
  • Fixed a React crash triggered by navigating quickly among workstreams.
  • Fixed a bug that was triggering duplicate task events in certain cases.
  • Repaired the toggle for setting Slack notifications (it would set but the toggle would appear as off until the modal was reopened.)
  • APRIL 26, 2022

    Operators for board filters

    Operators for board filters

    Board filters now include and / or operators for more control over filtering of tasks. Previously, multiple filters implied an and relationship among them. Now you can specify the operator relationship to apply to the selected filters.

    The operator select will automatically appear when more than one filter criteria is active.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • The pills on task cards showing label and objective names now dynamically adjust in size, based on the card real estate available.
  • Now when using cmd (or ctrl) + click on any entity in the top navigation, the app will open it in a new tab.
  • Optimized text display in list mode (previously the text would become squished in certain scenarios).
  • Changed the color of active filters, to make more apparent when viewing the board.
  • The Socratic logo appears as the avatar in task activity for any automated system actions.
  • Fixed a bug in which adding a new user would automatically switch to that user’s new account.
  • Fixed a bug preventing workstreams with a due date from loading.
  • Repaired the modal for backlog bulk archival.
  • Fixed a bug that was prompting for cycle start date when cycles were toggled off.
  • Fixed a bug in which entering a URL for a non-existent workstream would cause the app to hang.
  • Archived workstreams and objectives are now consistently filtered from app selects.
  • APRIL 11, 2022

    Spot workflow exceptions across larger bodies of work

    Spot workflow exceptions across larger bodies of work

    You can now use Views to see workflow exceptions across any body of work. The same interrupted states that we surface on workstreams—blocked, idle, rework, and deprioritized—are now available as filter criteria on Views.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Adjusted workstream board so that horizontal scroll bar now shows in both Mac and Windows environments.
  • Optimized task card size to avoid dreaded dueling scrollbars in Windows.
  • When in task list mode, clicking on the flow exception graph now returns a filtered board view.
  • Restored user initials as the default avatar when no avatar picture is chosen.
  • Fixed a bug in which tasks that were opened and then quickly closed, from outside the workstream (e.g. on the personal view), would crash the app.
  • Fixed the display of the effort modal on task detail, when activated in narrower browser states.
  • Now when adding tasks to an objective, the newly added tasks correctly reflect the objective “pill.”
  • Filtered any task assignments in archived workstreams from the personal view.
  • Fixed a bug in which changing an objective name would require browser refresh to see the new name in selects.
  • MARCH 29, 2022

    Task flow across workstreams

    Task flow across workstreams

    When a Done task is moved from one workstream to another, we now auto-set its work phase to To Do (or whatever the first phase) in the receiving workstream.

    Previously, moving a Done task from one workstream to another preserved its Done state. This meant that the receiving workstream would need to shift the task from Done back to an active work phase, in the process triggering rework.

    With this enhancement, tasks can move among workstreams—say, from a design workstream to an engineering one—as work is completed in one and ready for work in another, with all relevant flow data preserved for each workstream.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Decoupled task details slideout from app state to increase performance and prepare the way for deep linking in forthcoming new slideouts.
  • Clicking cancel on new task (n+t) modal now closes modal (previously was clearing task name).
  • Fixed a bug that was firing a cycle change event when changing task phase from task details.
  • Groundwork for SOC 2 Type 1. 🥴
  • MARCH 14, 2022

    Productboard integration

    Productboard integration

    Socratic now integrates with Productboard. With Socratic connected to Productboard, you can link Socratic objectives to Productboard features for a real-time view of progress within Productboard.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Fixed a bug that caused duplicate cycle URLs when turning cycles off and then on again.
  • Cycle start date now clears on cycle toggle.
  • Fixed a bug that was showing the blocked task name, rather than the blocking task name, in Slack notifications for blocked tasks.
  • Fixed a bug in which phase times on the personal view were showing system defaults rather than historical actual averages.
  • MARCH 8, 2022

    Create tasks from Slack

    Create tasks from Slack

    Our Slack integration now allows for the creation of tasks directly from Slack. To create a task, you can use either the slash command /task, or choose the 'More actions' button (three vertical dots) on any Slack message.


  • You may optionally set a default Socratic workstream and/or work phase in which tasks created from Slack will appear. If no defaults are set, users will be prompted for a workstream, and the work phase will be set as To Do.
  • Any member of an integrated Slack workspace may create tasks in Socratic, regardless of whether they’re a named user of Socratic. Tasks created via Slack show the creator as “Socratic.”
  • This enables, for example, the ability for help desk teams—or even end users, in the case of community Slack channels—to raise tasks in Socratic, without needing access to or even knowledge of Socratic.

    For this use case, you might create a default workstream (e.g. “Triage”) to receive any Slack-generated tasks. Those tasks could then be prioritized and assigned to people and/or other workstreams within Socratic.

    MARCH 1, 2022

    CSV import

    CSV import

    In addition to Jira Import and Replay, you can now import tasks via CSV. This version supports CSV files exported from Shortcut (formerly Clubhouse); other systems will follow based on demand.

    To import from CSV, simply choose New workstream on the all work view and then Import from CSV.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Set up AWS secrets for other environments.
  • Updated GitHub JWT signature flow
  • Addressed pagination issue for GitLab integration
  • Fixed a bug that suppressed the option to turn on notifications via Slack.
  • Fixed Octokit 404s
  • FEBRUARY 15, 2022

    Learn how well you plan

    Learn how well you plan

    For teams that use cycles, you can now see trends in cycle planning over time. We’ve added a new section to Trends, called “Planning,” that analyzes your cycle data and compares it to prior periods to answer these questions:

  • How much do we deliver against plan? Tasks completed by end of cycle, against total scope for the cycle—essentially, a Say:Do ratio.
  • How much does scope increase after start? Tasks added to cycles after cycle start. Note that any tasks added and removed on the same day don’t count toward scope.
  • How much scope is from prior cycle? Tasks carried over from a prior cycle.
  • Each trend bar links to the included cycles, and their corresponding retrospective health card.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Archived entities are now filtered from Trends.
  • Added task details to the Trends question “Are we keeping up with defects?”
  • Added option to remove git integration.
  • Added UI-friendly error handling for git exceptions.
  • Added race condition when moving tasks then assigning person (previously, drag/drop + reassignment sometimes resulted in failed reassignment).
  • Fixed display of multi-select dropdowns (to operate as checkboxes).
  • Fixed a bug that was suppressing forecast display for sub-objectives.
  • Restored the display of task details to the Trends question “Where are our bottlenecks?”
  • FEBRUARY 7, 2022

    Public API: Create new tasks from any system

    Public API (v1): Create new tasks from any system

    You can now create new tasks from outside Socratic, using our public API. This initial version of the API lets you set:

  • Task title
  • Task description
  • Workstream
  • Work phase
  • Defect (optional)
  • For example, you might create a simple help desk web form that allows end users to enter a name and description of their issue, while defaulting the workstream and work phase values (e.g. “Engineering” and “To Do”) according to your own work routing rules.

    See the Swagger doc here.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Sort Objectives: you can now sort Objectives by name, due date, newest, or oldest.
  • Added to Views the ability to filter Objectives by active, completed, or archived.
  • Git integrations can now also be removed from Socratic.
  • Objectives without associated tasks now appear in Views. (Previously they were suppressed until tasks were associated to the Objective.)
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the due date of a previously opened Objective to show as default when creating a new one.
  • Fixed a nav bug triggered by going from workstream, to current cycle, to different workstream.
  • JANUARY 31, 2022

    Hardening cycle

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Restored display of objectives and labels on Done tasks, which also restores the filter capability.
  • Links in comments fields can now be set to open in new tab.
  • Enabled removal (not just replacement) of avatar pics.
  • Removed cycles from tasks in a backlog state.
  • Restored display of objectives and labels on Done tasks, which also restores the filter capability.
  • Fixed a bug in the modal for Teams and Locations that was allowing duplicate names.
  • Fixed a bug preventing tasks from being archived in certain cases.
  • Groundwork for public API 👀
  • JANUARY 25, 2022

    Announcing: Jira Import and Jira Replay

    Announcing: Jira Import and Jira Replay

    You can now import Jira issues and epics into Socratic. But as the old commercials say, that’s not all! You can also optionally "replay" the history of work in your Jira Cloud projects as though it had occurred in Socratic.

    With Jira Replay, you can see all of Socratic's work health intelligence—forecast, average historical efforts, workload distribution, as well as comprehensive Trends—built entirely from the Jira record.

    To access, simply click to add a new workstream on the Work view, and then choose “Import from Jira”.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • In addition to title, you can now search by any part of task description when summoning search (🔍 ) on task boards.
  • Refreshed task card icons to align with design system.
  • Changed default task card display for new users (to show available card properties).
  • Fixed a bug in which duplicate tasks or workstreams could be created in certain slower network scenarios.
  • Restored the “Unassigned” option to the assignee list select.
  • Restored reverse chronological ordering for completed tasks.
  • Fixed the display of GitHub user names in the Code view.
  • JANUARY 18, 2022

    Streamlined notifications

    Streamlined notifications

    With the ability to subscribe to tasks, we’ve streamlined the notifications that appear in your personalized Action Items. Task creators and assignees will now see only one set of notification on tasks to which they’re also subscribed.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Deactivated users now no longer appear in assignee select lists. If a deactivated user has assigned tasks, those tasks are automatically marked as unassigned.
  • Resolved a case in which replies to comments made through Slack would appear in Action Items but not in the comment thread itself.
  • Fixed a bug in cycle forecasts that was producing overly conservative estimates.
  • Fixed a bug that would mark related tasks from other workstreams with the wrong task key prefix.
  • Threaded comments now appear in chronological order in all cases.
  • Fixed a date bug that was showing January 2021 data in Trends for January 2022.
  • Fixed an edge case that prevented archived tasks from being unarchived.
  • Realigned user initials in avatar display (when no image selected).
  • Fixed an edge case in which workstream settings would crash when summoned from inside the workstream.
  • JANUARY 10, 2022

    Refining the list view

    New & improved task list view

    Last week’s task card makeover has been extended to list view. To manage existing blocking relationships directly from the card, click either the blocked or blocking icon. To add blocking relationships, choose the quick edit icon (...) on the right-hand of the card (just as before).

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Ongoing data science groundwork to identify correlations among spikes in outlier detection.
  • Removed duplicative toast when updating personal profile.
  • Continued UI alignment with design system.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the time-spent Trends answer to crash for certain time frames.
  • Fixed a bug that would case the Objective progress Trends answer to hang.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing tasks from being unarchived in certain edge cases.
  • JANUARY 3, 2022

    Follow the work that matters to you

    Follow the work that matters to you

    You can now choose to follow any task in Socratic. By clicking the star icon over the task properties section, you’ll automatically be notified whenever:

  • The task work phase changes
  • Any comments are added to the task
  • The task becomes blocked
  • Notifications appear in your Action Items, as well as Slack / email based on your preferences.

    New task cards for the New Year

    We’ve given task cards a makeover to convey more information in less space:

  • The following are now indicated by icon on the card itself: critical, blocked, blocking, defect, idle.
  • We’ve narrowed the colored banner that appears when a card is in one of the above states. The banner color reflects the highest priority state (which follows the order above).
  • The task pills for cycles, objectives, and labels are now lightly shaded when set, and clear when no value has been set.
  • Fixes & enhancements

  • When choosing to view tasks on board for an Objective, Done tasks are now included in the display.
  • Removed archived and completed workstreams from the select on the new task (n + t) shortcut modal.
  • Fixed a bug in which two cycles would be listed as active simultaneously.
  • Restored auto-creation of new task cards on board after striking enter key.
  • Fixed list cards that had become squashed in certain views.
  • Fixed a crash on the Trends question “Which tasks took the longest?”
  • Fixed a bug in which under certain edge cases a cycle’s retrospective health card would fail to display.
  • DECEMBER 20, 2021

    Hardening cycle

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Enhanced the board render when moving between thumbnail and expanded health card.
  • Fixed: merged/closed PR timestamps were reflecting the time of the open event.
  • Fixed: when moving an Objective between workstreams, tasks would persist on the originating workstream board.
  • Fixed: after moving an Objective, its new workstream location would show as the default selected workstream in remaining objectives.
  • Fixed: done tasks disappearing from the board in new workstreams, requiring browser refresh to restore them.
  • Fixed: backlog show/hide preference would be lost when navigating between worksteams.
  • Fixed: task card display preferences would be lost when navigating between worksteams.
  • DECEMBER 13, 2021

    Understand where engineering time is going

    Understand where your engineering time is going

    It's the end of the quarter (or the month, or the year...), and you'd naturally like to know how your actual time spent lines up with, for example, the stated quarterly objectives. Normally, answering this is some mix of guesstimates, spreadsheets, maybe even the horror of time tracking 🤦‍♂️.

    But not with Socratic. Our latest Trends feature answers the question: Where did we spend our time?

    Trends now lets you see instantly and automatically where engineering time has been spent, and how that compares to the prior periods. You can see the breakdown by:

  • Workstream
  • Objective
  • Type of work (i.e., label)
  • 👉  For each, you can also see how time was distributed by person.

    Move objectives between workstreams

    You can now move objectives between workstreams. To move:

  • Open the objective.
  • Choose the workstream dropdown.
  • Upon moving an objective, all its tasks as well as any sub-objectives will move to the workstream you choose.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • When opening an Objective and then opening and closing one of its tasks, we now persist the Objective detail view. (Previously, closing task detail closed both.)
  • Restored the ability to block a task on a person.
  • Fixed a bug that would prematurely close the task relationships modal (summoned from the blocked banner on a task).
  • Fixed a bug that was squashing task cards within Objective detail.
  • DECEMBER 7, 2021

    A faster, more responsive board

    A faster, more responsive board—even at large scale

    We've enhanced the way we retrieve and render the task board, which makes response times even quicker. We've also streamlined the events that populate health cards, meaning a faster and more efficient rendering of the health of work.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Simplified the UI when viewing tasks in list mode.
  • Corrected the settings default shown when adding a new person.
  • Fixed a bug in which modal contents would sometimes overrun the margin.
  • Fixed a bug in which phase icons would sometimes become squished in list mode.
  • NOVEMBER 23, 2021

    See where your bottlenecks are

    See where your bottlenecks are

    We've added a new question & answer in Trends: Where are our bottlenecks?

    To answer this question, we analyze and show the work phase that had the longest average time in phase for tasks, across all your workstreams. You can click on any phase to see the actual time in phase for each task.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Enhanced the question layout on Trends, grouping by "Demand," "Delivery," and "Objectives."
  • Modified the Trends time filters to more intuitive business groupings (e.g. "Last month" "This month").
  • Similarly, modified Done filters to "This Week," "Past 1M" and "Past 3M."
  • Added ability to filter Objectives by cycle.
  • Added logic to Code view to show git activity against all tasks, even those from other workstreams.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented settings from launching in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed a bug that was cutting off the hover text for pull requests shown on task cards.
  • Restored ability to close Objective detail by clicking outside the detail.
  • Clarified the activity text when a task becomes unblocked.
  • NOVEMBER 16, 2021

    Bulk archival of (ancient) backlog tasks

    Bulk archival of (ancient) backlog tasks

    Maybe this sounds familiar...

    You add new requests and ideas to the backlog with the best of intentions. Then a week becomes a month, and a month becomes a quarter. Meanwhile, those tasks have been buried under sedimentary layers of other tasks.

    The truth is, even the best groomed backlogs will occasionally need a reset—a way of clearing out old layers.

    In Socratic, you can now bulk archive backlog tasks, based on the age of the task. Just click the ellipsis (...) at the top of any backlog column, and choose by age grouping the tasks you want cleared.

    Clearing aged backlog tasks has the benefit of reducing the identified scope for a workstream, and generating a better, more realistic forecast for the time to complete remaining work.

    Remember: you can always search and restore archived tasks via the Command Menu (cmd + K).

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Optimized the query for loading Views.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause occasional errors when adding tasks to an objective.
  • Updated product doc with the new approach to forecast.
  • NOVEMBER 8, 2021

    New and improved forecast

    New and improved forecast

    We've refactored the way we calculate the automated forecast. In the prior version, forecast involved analyzing every task in a body of work, determining which single task was the long pole, and building the total forecast accordingly.

    While statistically valid, this approach had two downsides. First, it tended to create overly conservative forecasts. Second, it meant that adding or removing tasks from scope wouldn't necessarily change the forecast, which is counterintuitive.

    The new forecast works by analyzing:

  • The historical average weekly throughput (in effort days) for the body of work in question;
  • The total scope of work, including backlog. (Since cycles don't have backlogs, scope there is a product of all tasks assigned to the cycle.);
  • Any blocker relationships among tasks.
  • Fixes & enhancements

  • Sorted the entity list in the top nav to match the entity order on their respective overview page (Views, Workstreams, etc).
  • Aligned list selects with the design system.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing "See related questions" to hang on Trends.
  • Added a hint for mapping Git username on Profile settings.
  • Removed a leftover save icon on Profile settings.
  • Added a custom error page for a login attempt from an unknown email address.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Understand trends by teams and locations

    See Trends for Teams and Locations

    Combining our two latest capabilities, you can now filter Trends by Teams and/or Locations. This lets you see all the key Trend questions answered for a specific team or geographic area.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • In cases where people > 10, Balance now uses pagination instead of rolling up by workstream, so you can still see individual workloads.
  • Newly added users now receive automatic welcome email and link to sign in.
  • Auto-activate cycles nav when cycles are activated for a workstream.
  • Fixed a bug in display of names and avatars on People settings.
  • Fixed a case where notification settings would stick on a prior setting.
  • Repaired cases where forecast line would extend past scope line.
  • Fixed bug in which copying task link would sometimes result in undefined.
  • Restored placement of expansion icons for nested entities.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Announcing: Teams and Locations

    Introducing: Teams and Locations

    We're introducing two new views: Teams, and Locations. With these, you can see aggregated Socratic health data (workload, progress, forecast) for any grouping of people.

    You can also nest relationships. For example, you might create a team called Engineering that consists of three other teams, Frontend, Backend, and Integrations. Or a Location called USA, which consists of locations for Washington, California, and Texas.

    People can be included as part of any number of Teams and/or Locations.

    A new look for overviews

    Workstreams, Views, Objectives, Teams, and Locations now follow the same, revamped UI treatment. This enhanced treatment provides:

  • A more informative, Gantt-style overview, with each entity being represented by a progress bar according to task completion, as well as dates (if assigned).
  • The ability to mark as complete or to archive any of these entities, as well as the ability to restore at any time.
  • The ability to add due dates to Views. (Previously this was reserved to Workstreams and Objectives.)
  • An improved health card, available by hovering on the information icon:
  • With this new experience, the aim is a more informative, more useable way of seeing and understanding the bigger picture.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Added Slack and email notification for when you're assigned a task.
  • Lightened the task banner color for blocking, to better distinguish it from blocked.
  • Added a Past 14 days time segment to Trends.
  • Expanded Trends to show more than just the top five in each category, with pagination.
  • Modified the Settings modal to follow the Done + auto-close pattern.
  • Removed the Health Pulse icon in favor of the revamped UI described above.
  • Fixed date display in certain timeline layouts.
  • Fixed View forecasts so that the forecast would update correctly if the View filter criteria changed.
  • Fixed a bug which was preventing Settings from opening from the Cycles slideout.
  • Optimized the processing of Cycle health and forecast.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Improved selects

    Improved dropdown selects

    As part of ongoing alignment with our design system, we've marked the selected the option in task property dropdowns. An especially useful tweak when viewing tasks in list mode, as you can now see which phase a task is in by hovering on the phase icon. (It's the little things...)

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Corrected order of planned cycles when activating cycles for first time.
  • Refactored a sizable chunk of frontend code.
  • Updated doc with Slack integration.
  • Groundwork for support of Teams and Locations. 👀
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Announcing: Trends

    Announcing: Trends

    We're formally taking the wraps off Trends (previously in alpha), with a revamped design for better usability. Trends provides analysis of historical data to answer key questions such as:

  • Where did we spend our time?
  • How much work did we deliver?
  • Are we getting faster or slower?
  • How efficient are we?
  • Each question compares the selected period to prior period to show the trend. For each, we also provide trend analysis, and links to any related questions. (In cases of no data for the selected period, we show watermarked sample data.)

    Go to Trends using the top nav, or by typing g+t from anywhere in the app.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Revised font weights for design system alignment.
  • Resolved an issue in which switching between workstreams would sometimes cause the app to hang, requiring browser refresh.
  • Fixed a bug in which workstreams with identical phase names would display as co-mingled in Views.
  • Removed the option to delete workstreams (a new approach for archival / completion is coming).
  • Further hardening on git workflow automation.
  • Unlocked the means to better horizontal scaling.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Better settings

    A more direct route to settings

    We've promoted the settings sub-categories to the main settings button. This means fewer clicks, and clearer placement for new users. The keyboard shortcut for settings, o + s, remains context-sensitive to the active screen.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Set sort for Done tasks on Personal view to appear in reverse chronology.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a reduction in cycle scope from triggering a revised forecast.
  • Fixed a display bug in the Balance bar when viewed on People mode for a cycle.
  • Repaired text misalignments on Contributions and People settings.
  • Fixed a bug in which the completed tasks total on Activity was different from the sum of the histogram subtotals.
  • Changed "Sub-tasks" to "To-do list" on task detail (to avoid confusion with Related tasks).
  • Fixed an issue on task detail activity, in which a person's avatar would sometimes appear next to actions taken by Socratic.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Hardening cycle

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Improved the depiction showing how a task's effort contributes to a person's workload balance.
  • Fixed linking to archived tasks.
  • Fixed a bug on the responsiveness of the cycle retrospective graph, in which clicking wouldn't always re-set the tasks displayed.
  • Fixed a bug that was suppressing completed cycles from navigation, in certain cases.
  • Repaired the calendar selector on task detail.
  • Fixed a bug in which due dates, removed from task detail, would reappear.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    A quick way to see completed tasks by age

    A quick way to see completed tasks by age

    We've added a histogram to the Done phase column. As with backlog phases, the age ranges act as filters. The aim is a quick way view tasks completed within the last three months.

    For deeper analysis of past work, the Activity mode gives a rich set of filterable work data, by both task and code.

    See cross-workstream work by specific phase

    Previously when in Views, work phases were abstracted to their work category—Backlog, To Do, Doing, Done. This is because a View may contain multiple workstreams with multiple different phases. Based on feedback, we've added the specific phases under each category.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Normalized rounding across workload Balance displays.
  • Restored bullet points to the comments field.
  • Expanded alerts for socket queues.
  • Fixed a bug that would keep completed / archived objectives in list selects.
  • Fixed a bug that was suppressing notification for idle tasks.
  • Fixed a bug to prevent duplicate git reads on the People view.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    See critical path on board

    See and manage task dependencies directly from the board

    You can now visualize blocking relationships and add new ones for any task, directly from the board. This enhancement carries over most of the Critical path capability, but keeps you in board context rather than going to a different mode.

    There are two ways to activate the modal:

  • Click the blocking banner (or pill, if in list mode) for any task that is blocked / blocking.
  • Choose the "Manage blockers..." option from the task card quick-edit ellipsis (...) icon
  • Fixes & enhancements

  • Normalized email addresses from Auth0.
  • Clarified Slack integration text.
  • Fixed an edge case in which a new task wouldn't update balance.
  • Fixed keyboard shortcuts modal (display was overrunning border).
  • Fixed a bug that was showing the incorrect cycle as active in list select.
  • Fixed typo in Critical path view.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Receive and reply to Action Items in Slack

    Receive and reply to Action Items via Slack

    Socratic now supports notification via Slack. Any message that appears in your Action Items can also optionally be sent to Slack, with a link to the relevant task, and the ability to reply directly from Slack.

    To activate for your org:

  • Open settings (o+s). Choose Integrations from the top nav.
  • Click the Slack tab, and then the Add to Slack button.
  • Each team member can then personally opt in or out of Slack notifications. Just open settings, and choose Profile from the top nav.

    A better, more personalized calculation for task effort

    We've brought a more accurate, more personalized approach to calculating task effort. The prior version used a mix of personal and workstream historical averages. Now, the historical average for every phase is personalized to the assignee.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Enhanced socket service authentication.
  • Added caching for preflight requests.
  • Added compression for REST responses.
  • Fixed a bug that was suppressing the option to view Contributions by code.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing completed cycles from loading.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Performance enhancements

    Faster load times

    The chief enhancement this week is app performance. These improvements may be more or less noticeable depending on your geography, but everyone should see quicker load times. We'll keep chopping away at it...

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Fixed an issue in which the progress bar for an Objective would disappear.
  • Corrected the display on certain Objective timelines that was cutting off the forecast date.
  • Added a server-side guard to prevent a task from being added to the same Objective twice.
  • Removed archived tasks from the task counts for Objectives.
  • Fixed a bug that would leave some Action Items remaining even after choosing 'Mark all as read'.
  • Fixed a bug that was affecting the display of the board when filtered by Objective.
  • Corrected the select list for Objective filter to default to the first item, and order alphabetically.
  • Restored the active cursor when hovering on a blocking task from task detail.
  • Made the "Open task" link on blocked tasks into a native link.
  • Corrected a socket listener that was failing to clear Action Items in certain cases.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Critical path: see dependencies and total forecast time to complete

    Critical path: see task dependencies and total forecast time to complete

    Socratic's Critical Path mode visualizes the blocking relationships among tasks, and shows how those dependencies affect the projected time to complete the work.

    Here, each task in the workstream is shown with its projected time to complete, as based on Socratic's analysis of historical actuals. This projection includes not only time for the task itself, but also the sum of projected time for any tasks that block it.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Made the timestamp for task activity events more granular.
  • WebSocket enhancements for horizontal scaling.
  • Duplicate blockers are now prevented on tasks.
  • Fixed a bug that was cutting off the list selects on some modals.
  • Fixed a format bug on the pull request icon when in People view.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Hardening cycle

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Ground work to rationalize color, typography and button display.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the reorder of work phases.
  • Fixed the display of average time in review for pull requests (Code view).
  • Found and fixed a case where not all Objectives were being shown on the task card select.
  • Fixed a bug interfering with the bar width of Objectives with no due dates.
  • Fixed a bug affecting the return of repositories in the case of multiple Git vendors.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Email notification for Action Items

    Email notification for Action Items

    Action Item notifications can now also be received in email. To enable email notification:

  • Open settings (o + s).
  • Choose Profile from the top nav.
  • Switch the email toggle.
  • With this activated, you'll receive an email (with link to the respective task) for any notification that also appears as an Action Item.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Added Activity mode to Views.
  • View names can now be changed via settings.
  • Added Not in an objective as a task filter option to the board.
  • Strikethrough is now an included part of the rich text formatting button.
  • Fixed the ability to add a task to any Objective from task detail.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    More robust user management

    More robust user management

    You can now easily add or remove team members:

  • Open settings (o + s).
  • Choose People from the top nav.
  • From here you can add new users, deactivate current users, or change the assigned email for any user.

    A better layout for task detail

    Based on feedback, we've revised the layout of task detail. The aim is fewer tabs, and a more coherent grouping of properties:

  • Attachments and subtasks are now part of the task description area;
  • Related tasks now function similarly to blocked / blocking tasks;
  • The tabs for Attachments and Related tasks have been removed.
  • Clicking any related or blocking task will now open that task in view, instead of opening a new tab and reloading the app.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Improved the styling for code snippets and blocks within task description.
  • Added a loading indicator to Objective detail.
  • Restored the code option to Contributions for team members with code activity. (It was accidentally removed.)
  • Fixed a bug that was squashing the height of task cards on creation.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing attachments from being deleted.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Customizable task cards

    Customizable task cards

    You can now choose the properties you'd like to see displayed on your task cards. Each property becomes an activated part of the card, letting you view or change the property directly from the card itself.

    Task cards also now include a quick edit capability, marked by the ellipsis (...). The quick edit lets you mark a task as critical, blocked, a defect—or just about any other action.

    A smarter Balance for teams working in cycles

    With Balance you set an ideal workload (in days) for your workstream, and Socratic computes how effort is distributed by person against that target.

    In dateless work, such as kanban, this target remains fixed. But a fixed workload target makes less sense for teams working in cycles. This is because having a workload of, say, seven days may be fine at the beginning of a cycle—but it's a problem if you have seven days of work the day before the cycle is due to finish!

    For this reason, for teams working in cycles, Socratic now automatically adjusts the ideal workload based on days remaining in the cycle. When in cycle view, each person's balance is now also reflective of work in that cycle (versus all work assigned).

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Added "Unfinished Tasks" as a tab to the cycle health card for retrospectives. This shows all tasks that were added to but not complete in the cycle, along with a count of the number of cycles the task has been a part of.
  • Added the option to mark all Action Items as read.
  • Fixed a bug that was leaving archived tasks visible on the board.
  • Fixed the display of backlog phases to make them scrollable all the way to bottom of screen.
  • Improved the way the related task search field behaves.
  • Made backlog cards opaque versus transparent (same effect, better performance).
  • On Code Activity for a task, we now default a selection (otherwise could appear there'd been no activity).
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Streamlined health card for sprint retrospectives

    Streamlined health card for cycle retrospectives

    For teams using cycles, there's now an enhanced health card to drive your retrospectives. The cycle health card surfaces total planned scope against total delivered work—essentially, your say:do ratio—and shows how that compares to your average from the past four cycles.

    For both scoped and delivered work, we show a breakdown by:

  • Carryover: that is, tasks that were originally planned for an earlier cycle;
  • Before start: tasks that were scoped before the start of cycle;
  • After start: tasks added after the cycle had begun.
  • We also show total effort delivered for the cycle, as well as the number of tasks marked as defect.

    By clicking on any section or sections of the bars, you can see the corresponding tasks in the detail below.

    Backlog joins the board

    We've promoted the backlog from it's drawer-like space on the left onto the board itself. Based on customer feedback, this should make it easier to see, manage, and move backlog tasks.

    To open backlog, type o then b:

    With backlog as part of the board, all board options—filters, search, list view, etc—extend to your backlog phases as well. The histogram filter persists at the top of any backlog phase.

    Move tasks between workstreams

    You can now move tasks from one workstream to another:

  • Open task detail.
  • Choose the workstream select from task properties in the upper-right.
  • Fixes & enhancements

  • Added loading indicator when navigating among workstreams, people, and view.
  • Resolved a flicker in the phase time display when opening and closing backlog.
  • Clarified the text in Task Activity used to explain resolution to a blocked task.
  • Corrected the phase badge for backlog when in list view.
  • Optimized performance for mass movement of tasks across phases.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Announcing: Contributions (preview)

    Announcing: Contributions (preview)

    We've added a new tab to the Personal view: Contributions. With Contributions, you can see a history of all your work, with data for average workload, task duration, and distributions by workstream and work type.

    If you're using Socratic's Git integration, you can also see a history of pull requests reviewed and merged, with distributions by repository, review time, and merge time.

    To see your Contributions:

  • Go to your Personal view (g then m).
  • Choose the Contributions tab (t then c).
  • You can select specific months for a filtered view of Contributions.
  • To see task or pull request detail, choose the toggle in the upper-right.
  • Fixes & enhancements

  • Created a Zapier-integrated webhook and trigger for task comments.
  • Surfaced an option to mark as defect in Zapier task creation.
  • Audited SQL queries index.
  • Optimizations to GitHub webhook.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Announcing: Objectives

    Announcing: Objectives

    We've launched a new capability: Objectives. Objectives provides a way to group tasks toward some larger goal.

    With Objectives, you can see the health, progress, and forecast time to complete for a specific collection of tasks. You can also nest one or many Objectives inside a larger Objective—very similar to stories and epics.

    To create an Objective, choose Objectives from the dropdown select on your workstream (keyboard shortcut: v then o). From there click the plus (+) to add an Objective.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Added counts to task detail tabs (Attachments, Related, etc.).
  • Added new or expanded doc for Objectives and Forecast.
  • Changes to task phase or assignee in the Personal view no longer require browser refresh to see.
  • Improved the auto discovery of new Git users based on code events.
  • Enabled keyboard action for the save/OK modal on task detail.
  • Fixed a reference error on the opening of task detail.
  • Fixed a bug in Zapier integration that was falsely flagging zap metadata in certain cases.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the same label from being used in different workstreams.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Zapier integration

    Zapier integration

    You can now build automated workflows between connected apps and Socratic using Zapier. This integration allows you to trigger the creation of a new Socratic task based on the action(s) you define for the connected app.

    A quicker way to switch between tasks

    The task key in task details now also functions as a drop list showing the other tasks in the workstream, allowing you to quickly move from the details of one task to the next.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • The search function in Related Tasks now works the same as everywhere else, allowing search by task key or title.
  • Each Related Task now links directly to its corresponding task detail.
  • Added Copy task link as an option from the command menu.
  • Reduced the font for task details from 20 point to 18 point.
  • Restored the error message regarding avatar picture size limit.
  • Fixed a bug affecting the display of effort when changing phases on task detail.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Enriched automated estimates

    An enriched view of automated task effort

    We've expanded the way we show task effort, which is calculated by Socratic based on your historical actuals. With this enhancement:

  • Effort now shows the total estimated time to complete the task, based on historical actuals, with a detailed projection by work phase.
  • For each phase, we reflect time worked vs. the projected work time.
  • When a task exits an active phase and moves to the next, you'll see the actual time worked for the completed active phase(s).
  • When assigning a projected time, Socratic uses the richest historical actuals available. So:

  • We look first for the average time for that assignee, by phase, for work in that workstream. If the assignee hasn't done previous work in the workstream, we fall back to...
  • The average for the workstream, by phase. If it's a new workstream with no historical average, we fall back to...
  • The assignee's average across all active phases in other workstreams. If there's no personal historical actuals, we fall back to...
  • System defaults for each phase.
  • If a task's assignee changes as the task moves across phases—say, from a developer (phase e.g. "Doing") to a tester (phase e.g. "In Review")—we apply the time in each phase to the respective assignee.

    Shortcut keys means less mousing around

    We've added shortcut keys for most primary actions within the app. To summon the menu of available shortcuts, simply type ?

    We've also added additional shortcut app navigation—Go to...—as an option from the command menu.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Added time in phase to workstream phase headers. This shows two-week averages for each phase, as well as trend against prior period.
  • Optimized the responsiveness of properties on task detail.
  • Task assignees are now sorted by first name, with the logged-in user defaulted to the top.
  • Code block notation (```) is now supported in task detail.
  • Fixed a bug that was arbitrarily blocking .gifs from being added to task detail.
  • Fixed a bug that kept tasks showing as blocked, even when the blocking task was done (or archived).
  • Removed histogram from archived list, where it didn't make sense.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    A richer Balance graph

    A richer Balance graph

    We've made two enhancements to the Balance graph:

  • The bar reflecting each person's workload balance is now two-toned. The darker portion represents work that has started (that is, has entered a Doing phase); the lighter portion is work in a To Do phase. By hovering on the bar, you can see the split in effort on the upper-right.
  • When viewing a cycle within a workstream, the Balance graph will now show workload specific to that cycle. This should help in planning cycles, by letting you see people's workload for the cycle in question.
  • Fixes & enhancements

  • Made the search field in backlog the default for cursor placement on open.
  • Optimized the performance when adding blocking tasks from other workstreams.
  • Restored the link to blocked tasks from task detail.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes remove task key from the URL when viewing task detail.
  • Removed Unassigned as a navigation option for All Work.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent task properties from being updated in certain scenarios.
  • In cases where a user has not mapped their git name to their user name, we introduced a default avatar image to display on task detail code activity.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    See backlog tasks by age

    See backlog tasks by age

    Backlog now has a histogram. The age ranges also act as filters. These age filters can be used together with the other backlog filters, so you can see, for example, tasks of a certain label(s) and certain age.

    Simpler, saner URLs

    We've removed the UUID from the app URL, and simplified down to entity names and keys. This should aid readability, and direct navigation via browser.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Keyboard optimization: more uses of tabs, esc and enter to do what you want without mousing around. (See esp. task detail and settings...)
  • Select boxes on task detail now reflect current selection when activated.
  • Added logic to prevent the creation of duplicate workstream keys.
  • Introduced a common logger package for all backend services.
  • Introduced an A/B feature flag service.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Histogram for completed tasks, by effort

    A histogram for completed tasks, by effort

    When you filter by completed tasks on the workstream Activity view, you'll now see a histogram of tasks by their final effort. We also show the final effort for each completed task, ordered from largest to smallest.

    To see for any workstream:

  • Choose the Activity view for the board;
  • Choose your timeframe;
  • Filter by completed tasks.
  • If you're using Socratic's Git integration, you can switch the Activity view to see code instead of tasks. In this mode, we show you the distribution of code activity by repo:

    You can apply further filters to both code and task modes to see the distributions by your chosen filters.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Command menu task search now returns most recently created tasks first.
  • The cycle scorecard for completed cycles now includes averages from the past five cycles (previously was past three).
  • Expanded the explainer text for Git integration in Settings, including a link to the relevant doc.
  • Improved the command menu's close icon (which previously appeared to be related to the search field).
  • Improved the wording of action and object when configuring Git workflow for the default branch.
  • When creating a new task card, the card will be added simply by clicking elsewhere. (Same effect as pressing enter.)
  • Added a tooltip component, initially to show shortcut key for command menu.
  • The icon to add a new Git workflow is now a proper button.
  • Removed the cycles slide-out icon from views where it was non-active.
  • Fixed an issue where submitted task comments would also be repeated as an un-submitted comment.
  • Fixed a bug that affected task reordering in backlog.
  • Fixed a text overflow that sometimes made it hard to read all the mapped Git repositories.
  • Fixed a bug that was suppressing task counts on View cards.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes meant one of the average markers on cycle scorecard would float to the right of the chart.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Hardening cycle

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Eliminated the, um, "disco mode" on People view, whereby the activities listed under Past 24 Hours would flash on each new update.
  • Made tasks listed under "Blocked by..." link directly to the task itself.
  • Prototyped Zapier integration.
  • Color-coded the Flow bar to match to task card color.
  • Cancelled stale sockets.
  • Cleaned up old builds and environments.
  • Improved logging and log search.
  • Removed duplicative activity calls on task change.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Cycle health card for data-driven retrospectives

    Cycle health card for data-driven retrospectives

    We've significantly enhanced the view for completed cycles, introducing a new health card for sprint retrospectives.

    This health card automatically surfaces:

  • Starting scope delivered: percent of tasks present at cycle start date that were completed by cycle end date.
  • Total scope delivered: percent of all tasks in the cycle (starting scope + any added after start) that were complete by its end date.
  • Scope growth: percent of tasks that were added after cycle start.
  • Starting scope from prior cycle: percent of scope represented by tasks carried over from the prior cycle.
  • Scope removed: percent of total scope removed.
  • Defects fixed: percent of completed tasks marked as defect.
  • For each measure, we show how the percent compares to the average from your prior three sprints. Each measure is clickable, and will show the tasks specific to each in the list below.

    Accompanying the cycle health card is a second tab called Complex Tasks. This shows the tasks with the largest actual effort that were delivered in the cycle.

    Simply choose any completed cycle to see its health card.

    Markdown for task descriptions and comments

    Both task descriptions and comments can now be formatted with markdown.

    We've also added the ability to mention other tasks in a description using forward slash (/). These mentions do not yet automatically link to the mentioned task, but they will!

    Fixes & enhancements

  • The workstream Activity view now provides options to see activity for the past month, or past three months.
  • To match tasks with their git activity, we now investigate both the pull request title and its commit(s) for a matching task ID. If we find a match in either case, we make the connection.
  • cmd+k (or ctrl+k in Windows) will now also dismiss the command menu, in addition to summoning it.
  • The settings icon (...) now includes links to the Socratic product guide and Slack community.
  • The command menu icon, formerly a plus sign (+), was changed to better reflect an array of capabilities beyond just task create.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Bitbucket integration

    Bitbucket integration now available!

    Automated workflow, enriched activity data, even more accurate automated estimates—all the goodness of integrating Socratic with source code management is now available for Bitbucket.

    A better summarization of code activity by task

    Speaking of source code integration... We've modified the depiction of code activity on each task to provide a summary by primary action, with the details below.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • On the Personal View, made the Health Pulse responsive to task changes made in-view. Previously required browser refresh to see.
  • Fixed a bug in the completed cycles retrospective view that was showing only tasks completed in last 24 hours (vs. all completed in cycle).
  • Improved error logging for git integrations.
  • Fixed a bug on avatar edit that would persist a size error message even after a correctly sized image was chosen.
  • Removed extraneous select option in setting up git workflows.
  • Improved placement of hover details for the bars on Balance.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    An improved workload balance

    An improved workload balance

    Based on customer conversations and our own usage, we've made some changes to Balance to make it more clear and configurable:

  • Target workload is now configurable via workstream settings (vs. a fixed 4 days).
  • Individual workload is now displayed in days, rather than as a percentage of target workload. This should make the bar chart more clear and readable.
  • Added avatars to the bars.
  • You can read more on Balance here.

    Direct link to a task

    We now support the ability to copy / paste the link to a specific task. From task detail, just click the link icon, or press cmd + . (or ctrl + . in Windows).

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Added automated forecast to Views.
  • Improved Views filter responsiveness.
  • Fixed a bug in the display of reviewers for pull requests.
  • Capped the number of day-dates shown on cycle timelines.
  • Removed the forecast from showing on completed cycles.
  • Fixed a bug in Firefox that would produce off-center select menus.
  • Fixed a bug that meant clicking twice in task detail or comments to activate the input field.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    GitHub: automated workflow & enhanced intelligence

    GitHub integration for automated workflow & enhanced intelligence

    GitHub integration is now available for Socratic. Connecting GitHub to Socratic gives:

  • Automated task workflow. Tasks automatically move from phase to phase based on code activity.
  • Enriched work activity data. With source code integration, Socratic surfaces any and all code activity for each task, as well as the cumulative code activity for a workstream, and the durations by pull request (PR) phase—for example, the average time PRs spend in review—compared to the prior 14-day period.
  • Even more accurate automated estimates. With tasks moving according to their associated code activity, Socratic's automatically generated task effort will reflect very nearly your actual, historical average coding time required to complete tasks.
  • To enable:

  • Open settings via the ellipsis icon (...) in the upper right of the screen.
  • Choose Integrations from the settings navigation at the top.
  • Read more about the benefits to GitHub integration here.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Added day-dates to the timeline for cycles.
  • Optimized cycles navigation dropdown, so that the active cycle is always the first option, followed by upcoming cycles, then the five most recently completed cycles.
  • Enhanced forecast lines to show as orange if even the early forecast date is after the due date.
  • Fixed a bug so that when viewing the People view by a particular cycle, the view returns only tasks relevant to that cycle.
  • Fixed a bug that was requiring browser refresh in order to see cycles, following cycle activation for a workstream.
  • Changed the Done phase on workstreams and Views to return only tasks completed in the last 24 hours, which improves performance. (Finding older completed tasks can be done through the Activity view or via the command menu.)
  • Optimized Views query performance.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the browser to freeze in certain cases when clicking on the cycles slide-out.
  • Denoted the active cycle in the cycle select on task detail.
  • Fixed a bug that, in certain cases, was blocking the creation of new tasks from the command menu.
  • Fixed a bug that made the strikethroughs on completed subtasks appear as underlines for multi-line subtasks.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Automatic work forecast

    Automatic work forecast

    We've enhanced the Health Card's timeline to include an automated forecast of time to deliver. This forecast uses the historical actuals of the workstream and people engaged to calculate a probable delivery date range for the selected body of work.

    Note that previously, the timeline was shown only for cycles, and any workstream with a due date. Now, all workstreams will include a timeline and forecast. Views do not yet include forecast, but they will.

    Refining and improving forecast accuracy will be one of the main efforts of our data science.

    More choice in assigning effort

    Based on feedback, we've expanded from three to four the number of automated effort options that may be assigned to a task:

    This offers better precision in cases where there's a sizable time gap between less and average.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Previously, blocking tasks had to share a workstream. Now blocks / blocked by can be used for tasks in any workstream.
  • Optimized the command menu for better, faster keyboard navigation.
  • Improved the performance of Views with more intelligent data retrieval.
  • Changed Views filters logic to operate as AND across categories and OR within categories.
  • Fixed a bug in which newly created tasks sometimes would not appear in a workstream without browser refresh.
  • Fixed a bug in the command menu that sometimes caused prior search criteria to stick.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Reorder tasks

    Reorder tasks

    Task reordering is now available in Socratic. Simply drag and drop cards into your preferred order. This works in both board and list views, as well as backlog.

    Optimized task save

    Saving changes to a task is now an explicit action via button (vs. auto-save on close). This should improve the usability of task detail, and eliminate certain cases where viewing tasks simultaneously by different people would result in overwrites.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Optimized the number of task changes shown on hover in People view.
  • Fixed a bug affecting card color when a task was blocked.
  • Fixed bug with cycles slide-out when in task list view.
  • Adjusted style of select (dropdown) boxes.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Introducing Views: a unified perspective of work health

    Introducing Views: a unified view of health across any body of work

    We're happy to announce the official rollout of Views. With Views, you can create a customized look at work across any number of teams or projects—along with an instant, real-time view into health and progress. All in just a few clicks!

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Optimized the way tasks dragged from backlog to active work appear, making the action context-aware, e.g. adding automatically to the active cycle.
  • When looking at completed cycles: enhanced the card to reflect the actual cycle in which a task was completed, for any tasks completed after the cycle to which they were originally assigned.
  • Fixed missing border on the format text box.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented "Archive" from showing in the select box after selection.
  • Optimized the colors of the Health Pulse on the All Work view.
  • Repaired the avatar for the system used when Socratic marks action on a task.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    A better view for stand-ups

    A better view for stand-ups

    The People view takes the work of the board and reframes it through the lens of the people doing the work. For this view, we've enhanced the way we show task activity over the last 24 hours.

    Previously, we captured only the most recent action from the last 24 hours. Now, we summarize a count of all changes from the last 24 hours for each task, and show the detail on hover.

    Among other things, this enhancement should help make the People view even stronger as your one-stop shop for running stand-up meetings.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Clarified the information being shown for each person's Balance on hover.
  • Added enhanced memory monitoring.
  • Added application monitoring.
  • Optimized the command menu by defaulting the work phase.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented scrolling on task detail.
  • Fixed spacing on All Work view.
  • NOVEMBER 2, 2021

    Data-driven sprint retrospectives

    Data-driven sprint retrospectives

    For teams using cycles (a.k.a. sprints), we now provide a snapshot of cycle accomplishments to help in retrospectives.

    You can see this snapshot for any completed cycle by selecting the completed cycle in the navigation. The snapshot shows:

  • A final timeline and cumulative flow diagram.
  • All tasks that were completed in the cycle.
  • Any tasks planned but not completed in the cycle.
  • As always, we're keen to use data to answer questions that otherwise require manual digging and discussion. If there are other things you'd like to see for retrospectives, let us know!

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Optimized the select component (dropdowns) for better placement depending on screen size, and to fix issue of select component sometimes being obscured.
  • Defaulted the Health Card to thumbnail view on navigating to a workstream. Still expands the same way: via scroll, or by clicking the inverted triangle icon.
  • Fixed the count of tasks on the All People cards to exclude archived tasks, and to match the Done count from the Personal View.
  • Corrected an error in trend color on the cumulative flow diagram.
  • Removed archived tasks from backlog list(s).
  • Fixed customized avatars not appearing on Related Tasks.
  • Added text to clarify what average work time shows in the Personal view.
  • Excluded archived tasks from Updates in the Personal view.
  • Fixed an issue that would persist a workstream filter on the Personal view, even if the person no longer had tasks in that workstream.
  • OCTOBER 31, 2021

    A faster way to enter tasks

    A faster way to enter multiple tasks

    It's now faster to add tasks to your boards: the enter key will commit the active task, and open a new card for the next. When finished creating tasks, just press the esc key. This works for any phase, including backlog.

    Customize your name

    You can personalize your avatar, and now you can customize your name. Simply go to your personal view, click on your name, enter your new identity, and press enter.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Published new docs for using the command menu and enabling sprints.
  • Added branding to login.
  • Fixed an issue that was warping calculations for task effort—specifically showing "Average" efforts with longer durations than "More" efforts.
  • Hashed client build files so that hard browser refresh is no longer necessary to see latest updates on new release.
  • OCTOBER 31, 2021

    Personalized avatars

    Personalized avatars

    You can now create avatars in your own image. To change your avatar:

  • Go to your Personal view
  • Click the avatar next to your name
  • Upload your image (.png or .jpeg, max 100KB)
  • Expanded docs (v1)

    We've published a complete set of initial doc, covering not only the Health Card components but also general app usage, as well as a "How to..." section. More to come, including integration into the app (of course).

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Fixed a problem with the command menu (cmd+k), which sometimes resulted in duplicate tasks being created
  • Fixed the problem of ctrl+s summoning a browser menu item in Windows environments
  • Optimized the display of select components (dropdowns, etc.) for Windows environments
  • Optimized the wrapping of task titles in the board view
  • Fixed the display of phase icons in Firefox (previously all phases displayed as a full circle)
  • Fixed browser forward/back buttons not responding when in the Personal view
  • Resolved an issue that meant certain unblock actions would trigger a blocked notification
  • OCTOBER 31, 2021

    Multi-file (and type) attachments

    Multi-file (and type) attachments

    In addition to being able to add screenshots directly to a task's description (via copy or drag-and-drop), we now support longer form attachments across all major file types. Just choose the Attachments tab on task detail.


    We've published our first set of product doc, describing the Health Card components:

  • Timeline
  • Cumulative flow
  • Pulse
  • More to come, including a "How to..." section for suggested practices.

    Fixes & enhancements

  • Fixed the personal view from sticking when navigating between people
  • Eliminated duplicate task keys when creating tasks from Related Tasks
  • Ensured tasks in Idle state are properly reset when changing phase or estimate from Action Items
  • Repaired cases where task title change or description wouldn't appear on task detail reopen
  • Made the comment field required when marking a task as blocked by a person
  • Excluded archived tasks from Health Card calculations